Summer Camp Components:
- Weekly Field Trips
- Weekly In-House Visitors
- Academic Learning continues for all classrooms
- Theme Days
- STEM Curriculum & Activities
Enrichment Classrooms for Summer Camp:
- Outdoor Classroom
- Playground
- Art Studio
- PREP Café
- PREP Tech
- Multi-Purpose Room
- Splash Pad
We all remember that exciting time in life when we counted down the days until summer. We anticipated long days at the beach… ice cream with our friends… entire days at the swimming pool… or even summer camp.
When Summer Camp is in full swing, your child’s daily curriculum is packed with many more fun, season-appropriate activities such as field trips, beach days, puppet shows, special visitors, luau days, kid chef classes, drone camp weeks, and many other fun – filled summer activities.
Our summer program is packed with a ton of entertainment! Our ZONE program goes on weekly field trips all around the area. From museums, to nature centers, the movies, even indoor entertainment centers, and more! Going on outings such as these provide our students with experiences and memories for life.
Throughout the entire school, we have theme days where the staff and students get to participate. We love to see the joy that these theme days bring building wide!
The PREP School hosts many in-house visitors throughout the span of the summer. Allowing these special guests to come in brings our students so much joy.
Our ZONE summer and holiday programs consist of an incredible amount of intriguing experiments, awesome writing and journaling opportunities, indoor/outdoor games, and creating bonds that will last a lifetime.